D11 LogoU S Coast Seal
District Eleven Response (dr)
Search and Rescue



Search and Rescue will always be one of the most important missions for District Eleven. District Eleven dedicates considerable time and resources to ensure the safety of the boating community.  IN addition to the waters along the California Coast, international treaties have given the District Eleven responsibility for waters as far south as Ecuador, extending over a thousand miles offshore.  In fiscal Year 2015 District Eleven saved and/or assisted 1,994 lives and saved and/or assisted $9.9 million in property. This involves every type of cases from boaters lost or out of gas to as complex offshore rescues involving hundreds of man hours and multiple ships and aircraft.  We hope this site will give you some understanding of how search and rescue works and what is involved, and how you can better help your self and us in case of an emergency.

D11 Search and Rescue AOR