Waterways Management Branch

"The field comes first"

The Waterways management branch is responsible for the following in Alaska:

  • 74 Federal waterways
  • Over 1,500 Federal aids to navigation (ATON)
  • Vessel traffic service operations in Prince William Sound
  • Bridge permitting
  • Private aids to navigation (PATON) permitting
  • Publishing marine safety information (MSI) accessible via U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center: Home | Navigation Center
  • Eight Coast Guard ATON units (six ships and two aids to navigation teams)


Cancellation of NOAA Paper and Raster Nautical Charts
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is undertaking a multi-year program to end production and maintenance of its suite of over 1,000 traditional paper nautical charts and all associated raster chart products and services, including: Print-on-Demand (POD) paper nautical charts, Full-size chart PDF files, BookletChart™ PDF files, NOAA raster navigational charts (NOAA RNC®), the NOAA RNC tile service, and the online RNC viewer. Six months notice of the intent to cancel a specific chart is provided in a “Last Edition” notice. The final cancellation of a chart is made in a “Canceled” notice. Both types of notices will appear in LNM Section IV, “Chart Correction.” A comprehensive list of all canceled NOAA charts is available at: http://www.charts.noaa.gov/MCD/Dole.shtml. Traditional paper nautical chart production is ending to enable the creation and maintenance of larger scale, more up-to-date, higher quality coverage of NOAA’s electronic navigational chart (NOAA ENC®) product. This will significantly enhance the amount of charted detail available to mariners. More information about NOAA’s program to sunset traditional paper charts is on the NOAA Coast Survey website at: https://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/charts/farewell-to-traditional-nautical-charts.html. An online NOAA Custom Chart application at: https://devgis.charttools.noaa.gov/pod is available to create chart images from ENC data, which may then be printed.  Notices to Mariners will not be issued for NOAA Custom Charts.

Marine Events in Alaska

Holding a Marine Event? As stated in 33 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 100 (33 CFR 100), an individual or organization planning to hold a regatta or marine parade which, by its nature, circumstances, or location, introduces any extra or unusual hazard to the safety of life on the navigable waters of the United States, must have the event approved by the cognizant Coast Guard authority. Sponsors of these events must contact their nearest Sector Waterways Management Division to submit an Application for Approval of Marine Events in accordance with 33 CFR 100.

Sector Western Alaska-US Arctic Waterways Management Division
E-mail: d17-sectoranchorageprevention-waterwaysmanagement@uscg.onmicrosoft.com

Sector Southeast Alaska Waterways Management Division
Email:  SectorSeakprevention@uscg.mil

Valdez Waterways Management Division
E-mail: D17-SMB-ValdezPrevention@uscg.mil


PATON is a buoy, light, or day beacon owned and maintained by any individual or organization other than the United States Coast Guard. Private aids to navigation are designed to allow individuals or organizations to mark privately owned marine obstructions or other similar hazards to navigation, or to assist their own navigation operations.

You can find the application form CG-2554 here.

For questions about private aids to navigation in this section or to submit an application, contact the PATON manager at: JuneauDPW@Outlook.Com

Report discrepancies with marine aids to navigation to the nearest Coast Guard Sector office!

Sector Western Alaska-US Arctic (907) 428-4100
E-mail: D17-PF-ANC-Sector-Watch@uscg.mil

Sector Southeast Alaska (907) 463-2991
E-mail: SCCJuneau@uscg.mil