Operation Arctic Shield 2018

"The Coast Guard is committed to having a mobile and seasonal presence for Arctic Operations as levels of maritime activity require. As the nation's lead federal agency for ensuring maritime safety and security in the Arctic, the Coast Guard will protect the nation's interests, safeguard the environment and strengthen our international, federal, state, local and tribal partnerships."
As part of operation Arctic Shield 2018, the Coast Guard will deploy cutters, aircraft, and personnel to the Arctic to engage in operations encompassing a variety of Coast Guard missions. Operations will focus on promoting national interests and security throughout the Arctic.
The Arctic Shield 2018 objectives are to:
- Perform Coast Guard missions and activities in the Arctic
- Enhance Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)
- Broaden partnerships in support of Coast Guard Arctic operations
- Enhance and improve preparedness, prevention, and response capabilities
The U.S. Coast Guard’s Arctic Strategy objectives are: Improving Awareness, Broadening Partnerships and Modernizing Governance.
Environmental Assessment
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions.
In accordance with NEPA, the Coast Guard conducted an environmental assessment (EA) for 2017 Operation Arctic Shield activities. The assessment concluded there was a finding of no significant impact. The full assessment, cover letter and FONSI statement is linked below:
Arctic Shield 2017 FONSI June.pdf
Arctic Shield 2017 EA Cover.pdf
Arctic Shield 2017 Final Environmental Assessment.pdf
For more information about NEPA, please visit the EPA's website.
For general Operation Arctic Shield Questions please email us at:
For more information about Coast Guard 17th District operations and activities, please visit our information site at https://www.news.uscg.mil/News-by-Region/17th-District-Alaska/.