Sector Western Alaska

Sector Western Alaska and U.S. Arctic

Information about the process for applying for a Restricted OUPV Endorsement in Western Alaska is found in Marine Safety Information Bulletin (MSIB) 02-19 and Policy letter 01-16 ROUPV Endorsements.

ROUPV Endorsement Approved Sector Anchorage


  1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Copper River, AK between the Chitina Airstrip and the Taral Creek confluence (sent to HQ on May 6, 2016; approved on May 18, 2016).


  1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Big Lake, AK (sent to HQ on June 8, 2015; approved on July 22, 2015).
  2. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Susitna River upstream of the southern tip of Big Island, the Yentna River, the Deshka River, and the Talkeetna River downstream of Iron Creek (OCMI approved on June 6,2017).
  3. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Tokositna River between the Chulitna River confluence and Hope Lake, and to the Chulitna River between the Parks Highway Bridge and the Tokositna River confluence (sent to HQ on May 6, 2016; approved on May 18, 2016).
  4. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Kenai Lake; Kenai River from Kenai Lake to Skilak Lake; Skilak Lake; Kenai River from Skilak Lake to Warren Ames Bridge (sent to HQ on March 4, 2015; approved on April 15, 2015).
  5. Operator of uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Alaska's Little Susitna River from the mouth to the Parks Highway bridge (approved by Officer in Charge of Marine Inspections (OCMI) on May 04, 2017).


  • Endorsement to include the following water groups: ROUPV Decision Memo for Bristol Bay.
    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the navigable portions of Lake Clark and Sixmile Lake (sent to HQ on April 17, 2015; approved on April 24, 2015).
    2. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Lake Illiamna east of a line drawn between Squirrel Point and Chekok Point (sent to HQ on April 17, 2015; approved on April 24, 2015).
    3. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Intricate Bay west of a line drawn due south of Tommy Point on Lake Iliamna (sent to HQ on April 21, 2015; approved on April 24, 2015)
    4. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Kvichak River from its origin at Lake Iliamna downstream to no more than one statutory river mile below Otter Island (sent to HQ on April 15, 2015); approved on April 24, 2015).
    5. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Alagnak River up to the confluence with Nonvianuk River; Nonvianuk River; and Nonvianuk Lake (sent to HQ on April 21, 2015; approved on April 24, 2015).
    6. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the navigable portions of Nushagak River from Black Point up to confluence with the Nuyakuk River, the Nuyakuk River, the Tikchik River, Tikchik Lake, Nuyakuk Lake, the Northwest Passage, Lake Chauekuktuli, the Wood River, the Agulukpak River, Lake Nerka, the Agulowak River, and Lake Aleknagik.
    7. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to navigable portions of Nushagak River from Black Point up to the confluence with the Nuyakuk River, the Nuyakuk River, the Tikchik River, Tikchik Lake, Nuyakuk Lake, Northwest Passage, Lake Chauekuktul, the Wood River, Lake Aleknagik, the Agulowak River, Lake Nerka, the Agulukpak River,Lake Beverly, the Peace River, Milchalk Lake, the Wind River, and Lake Kulik, AK (sent to HQ on June 8, 2015; approved on July 22, 2015, expanded on May 18, 2016).
    8. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Togiak River, AK from the village of Togiak to Togiak Lake (approved on January 18, 2017).
    9. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Naknek Lake and Naknek River upstream of Naknek River’s confluence with Paul’s Creek (sent to HQ on June 8, 2015; approved on July 22, 2015).


    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Kuskokwim River from the village of Aniak up to the confluence with the Owhat River (sent to HQ on March 25, 2015; approved on April 24, 2015).


    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Tananna River Drainage; Delta Clearwater, Tolovana, Chena and Chatanika Rivers (approved on September 29, 2016).
    2. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to Alaska’s Salcha River from its origin to mouth of Tanana River.


    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Kobuk River, AK from the channels of its delta to the village of Kobuk (sent to HQ on May 6, 2016; approved on May 18, 2016).
    2. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Noatak River, AK from the southern terminus of Kinuk Island to the Agashashok River confluence (sent to HQ on May 6, 2016; approved on May 18, 2016).


    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Sagavanirktok River up to confluence with the Lupine River at mile 109 (Approved on August 8, 2018).


    1. Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels Restricted to the Porcupine River from US State of Alaska to the mouth at Fort Yukon.



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