We serve and safeguard the public, protect the environment and its resources, and defend the Nation’s interests in the Alaskan maritime region.
During an average month, in the 17th District, the Coast Guard;
Saves 22 lives; assists 53 people; reports and investigates 25 marine casualties; performs 74 living marine resource boardings; responds to 22 pollution incidents; services 93 buoys and fixed aids to navigation; conducts 13 security boardings and 22 security patrols; performs 143 commercial fishing vessel safety exams; saves over $1.65 million in property; teaches 375 kids about life jacket wear; and performs 95 marine inspections.
Area of Responsibility
The 17th District encompasses over 3,853,500 sq. miles and over 47,300 miles of shoreline throughout Alaska and the Arctic.