Core Mission Set
Flag Administration
Attend the U.S. flag commercial fleet operating within the region to conduct statutory inspection & certification duties and oversight of 3rd party organizations performing relevant work on behalf of the USCG, plus investigation of marine casualties.
Port State Control
Perform Certificate of Compliance examinations of higher risk foreign vessels destined for America, especially deep draft tank ships (carriers of oil, oil products, chemicals and bulk liquefied gases).
International Port Security Program
Ensure implementation of the International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code through performance of bilateral information exchanges with 47 trading partner nations and territories (including sharing best practices) and periodically visiting their various ports.
Environmental Stewardship
As the regional overseas representative of America’s designated lead agency for safeguarding the marine ecosphere, promote applicable federal and international standards and foster international cooperation and coordination for the maintenance and improvement of the health of the world’s oceans.
International Outreach and Engagement
Participate in relevant conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops in support of USCG strategic objectives; including for CCGD14 and in response to pertinent requests from Headquarters Program-level activities and the international maritime community.