Waterways Branch (dpw)
"Helping to manage federal waterways and ensure the safety of the boating public in the Indo-Pacific Region!"
What we do?
District Fourteen Waterways (dpw) is responsible for the maintenance of all federal aids to navigation (ATON), regulation of private aids to navigation (PATON), issuance of Local Notice to Mariners (LNM), and evaluating navigable waterways to ensure adequate marking. Additionally, D14 (dpw) serves as the program manager for D14’s ATON servicing units.
Mailing and Email:
Commander (dpw)
Fourteenth Coast Guard District
300 Ala Moana Boulevard, 9-220
Honolulu, HI 96850-4982
Tel: (808) 535-3408 / 3409
Email: D14-DG-PJ-dpw@uscg.mil
Fourteenth District Sectors
Unit |
Telephone |
Sector Honolulu |
(808) 842-2600 |
Sector Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam |
(671) 355-4822 |
Helpful Information:
Mariners are encouraged to use the Local Notice to Mariners that provides updates and changes to waterways. Specific information is required for publication in the Local Notice to Mariners. If you have further questions, please reach out to our office at D14-DG-PJ-dpw@uscg.mil.
Report a Discrepant Aid:
If you observe an aid to navigation showing an improper characteristic, appears to be off station, is missing or is in other way not functioning as intended immediately notify the local Coast Guard Sector Command Center. They can be reached on VHF Channel 16 or through above Sector phone numbers.
Waterways Management Branch Staff
Branch Chief (808)
Assistant Branch Chief (808)
Bridge Administrator (808)
- Bridge Specialist (808)
- Bridge Environmental Specialist (808)
Operations Officer (808)
- Notice to Mariners [Broadcast and Local] (808)
- I-ATONIS Manager [Federal ATON] (808)
Planning Officer [WAMS, Lighthouse Coordinator] (808)
- Projects Manager [Federal ATON] (808)
- PATON and Federal ATON Damage Claims Manager (808)
Training Team Chief (808)
- Training Team Assistant (808)
ATON Maintenance Facility Manager (808)
Report all discrepancies with Marine Aids to Navigation to the nearest Coast Guard Command Center!