Sector Puget Sound

Seattle, Washington

All Missions, Humble Service, Building Leaders

1519 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, WA 98134

24 Hour Emergency Response: 206-217-6001

Contact information for units within Sector Puget Sound


13th Coast Guard District 24hr (866) 498-0713

Bar Conditions For Oregon and Washington

National Response Center (800) 424-8802.

Regional Exam Center (888) 427-5662

National Documentation Center (800) 799-8362

Navigation Center (703) 313-5900

Report marine emergencies to the nearest Coast Guard Sector office!

- Sector Columbia River / Portland (833) 769-8724

- Sector Puget Sound / Seattle (206) 217-6002

13th Coast Guard District Local Notice to Mariners

United States Coast Guard Navigation Center Marine Safety Information

NOAA is in the process of sunsetting or ending the production of traditional paper charts. Click here to read more about this.

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Sector Photo


Sector Puget Sound:

Ice Breakers in Seattle

On July 30, 2010, U.S. Coast Guard Group Port Angeles and U.S. Coast Guard Sector Seattle combined to become U.S Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound. The purpose of this merger is to bring the operational control of all Coast Guard resources located within the present Captain of the Port Puget Sound area of responsibility under one command for the execution of all Coast Guard missions.

Sector Commander, Captain Mark McDonnell
Deputy Sector Commander, Captain Youngmee Moon  
Master Chief, Chris Mullins

Boat Safety

CG Family Information
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New to the base
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boat-safety cadet_child.jpg crew on dock

About Us

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Contact Us

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USCG Sector Puget Sound offices are located in the CDR Raymond J. Evans Shore Operations Building at Pier 36 in Seattle, WA. All VHF-FM and HF radio frequencies formerly guarded 24 hours a day by USCG Group Port Angeles and USCG Sector Seattle will now be monitored by USCG Sector Puget Sound.

1519 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, WA 98134

Unit Fact Sheet

Business Number: 206-217-6200

24 Hour Emergency Response: 206-217-6001