This page provides a directory of 13th Coast Guard District offices with a web link if available.
Commander (staff symbol) |
13th Coast Guard District |
915 Second Ave |
Seattle, WA 98174 |
Command Staff |
District Commander (d) |
206-220-7090 |
District Chief of Staff (dcs) |
206-220-7091 |
District Command Master Chief (dcmc) |
206-220-7192 |
District Chaplain (dch) |
206-217-6995 |
District Civil Rights (dcr) |
206-217-7332 |
Reserve District Chief of Staff |
571-607-1410 |
Reserve District Command Master Chief |
571-607-1417 |
External Affairs Division (de) |
571-607-5208 |
Public Affairs Branch (dep) |
206-220-7237 |
Department International Affairs Branch (dei) |
571-607-1500 |
Legal Division (dl) |
Legal Office |
206-220-7110 |
Legal Assistance Paralegal |
206-220-7019 |
Legal Assistance Attorney |
206-220-7019 |
Resource and Performance Division (dm) |
571-607-1479 |
Personnel Branch (dmp) |
571-607-1489 |
Finance Budget Branch (dmf) |
Vacant |
Facilities Planning (dms) |
206-831-1191 |
Prevention Division (dp) |
571-607-1510 |
Auxiliary Branch (dpa) |
571-607-1401 |
Inspections and Investigations Branch (dpi) |
571-607-1456 |
Waterways Management Branch (dpw) |
571-607-1514 |
Response Division (dr) |
571-607-1513 |
Enforcement Branch (dre) |
571-607-1441 |
Intelligence Branch (dri) |
571-607-7031 |
Incident Management Branch (drm) |
571-607-6073 |
Command Center (drmc) |
571-607-1420 |
Spill Response (drat) |
571-607-1449 |
Planning and Force Readiness Division (dx) |
571-607-1028 |
Operational Planning Branch (dxo/dxc) |
571-607-1503 |
Contingency Planning Branch (dxc) |
571-607-1503 |
Reserve Component Management Branch (dxr) |
571-607-5045 |
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber and IT Division (dt) |
571-607-1405 |
Command Security Officer (CSO) |
571-607-1406 |
COMSEC Account Manager (CAM) |
571-607-1408 |
District Security Manager (DSM) |
571-607-9373 |
Information Technology (IT) Support |
571-607-1409 |