13th Coast Guard District 24hr (866) 498-0713

Bar Conditions For Oregon and Washington

National Response Center (800) 424-8802.

Regional Exam Center (888) 427-5662

National Documentation Center (800) 799-8362

Navigation Center (703) 313-5900

Report marine emergencies to the nearest Coast Guard Sector office!

- Sector Columbia River / Portland (833) 769-8724

- Sector Puget Sound / Seattle (206) 217-6002

13th Coast Guard District Local Notice to Mariners

United States Coast Guard Navigation Center Marine Safety Information

NOAA is in the process of sunsetting or ending the production of traditional paper charts. Click here to read more about this.


This page provides a directory of 13th Coast Guard District offices with a web link if available.

Commander (staff symbol)  
13th Coast Guard District  
915 Second Ave  
Seattle, WA 98174  
Command Staff  
District Commander (d) 206-220-7090
District Chief of Staff (dcs) 206-220-7091
District Command Master Chief (dcmc) 206-220-7192
District Chaplain (dch) 206-217-6995
District Civil Rights (dcr) 206-217-7332
Reserve District Chief of Staff 571-607-1410
Reserve District Command Master Chief 571-607-1417
External Affairs Division (de) 571-607-1492
Public Affairs Branch (dep) 571-607-1493
Department International Affairs Branch (dei) 571-607-1500
Legal Division (dl)  
CDR Sawyer 571-607-1471
CDR Smith 571-607-1472
LCDR Dobry 571-607-1476
LT Graichen 571-607-1474
LT Morrow 571-607-1475
Mr. Brawley 206-815-4019
Ms. Jayme Pallette 571-607-1478
Resource and Performance Division (dm) 571-607-1479
Personnel Branch (dmp) 571-607-1489
Finance Budget Branch (dmf) Vacant 
Facilities Planning (dms) 206-831-1191
Prevention Division (dp) 571-607-1510
Auxiliary Branch (dpa) 571-607-1401
Inspections and Investigations Branch (dpi) 571-607-1456
Waterways Management Branch (dpw) 571-607-1514
Response Division (dr) 571-607-1513
Enforcement Branch (dre) 571-607-1441
Intelligence Branch (dri) 571-607-7031
Incident Management Branch (drm) 571-607-6073
Command Center (drmc) 571-607-1420
Spill Response (drat) 571-607-1449
Planning and Force Readiness Division (dx) 571-607-1028
Operational Planning Branch (dxo/dxc) 571-607-1503
Contingency Planning Branch (dxc) 571-607-1503
Reserve Component Management Branch (dxr) 571-607-5045
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber and IT Division (dt) 571-607-1405
Command Security Officer (CSO) 571-607-1406
COMSEC Account Manager (CAM) 571-607-1408
District Security Manager (DSM) 571-607-9373
Information Technology (IT) Support 571-607-1409