Welcome to D11 Prevention
Division (dp)
Prevention Division activity is carried out in the states of California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah plus coastal waters out to 200 miles. The division is staffed by 40 active duty, civilian and reserve personnel. They are complemented by 3,500 Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers in nineteen Divisions. The Prevention Division exercises operational control of two, buoy tending, Coast Guard cutters and administrative control of three Loran stations.
Prevention missions are carried out on all federal waterways, including Lake Tahoe, Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, and the Colorado River and along 1,000 miles of shoreline from the California-Oregon state line to the Mexican border. The missions include: waterways management; positioning and maintenance of 1,100 floating and fixed aids to navigation; administration of 580 bridges over navigable waters; oversight of vessel and waterfront facility inspections for safety, security and environmental compliance; investigation of marine accidents; and promotion of recreational boating safety.