Sector San Francisco Fact Sheet
- 606 Active Duty
- 43 Civilians
- 163 Reservists
- 1568 Auxiliarists
Maritime Destinations
- Eight Commercial Port Authorities and 12 port cities
- Seven Petroleum Refineries
- 70+ Marine Terminals
- 21 Federal Anchorages
Typical Week for Sector San Francisco
Here are some of the numbers.
Maritime Safety
- Inspect 24 commercial vessels
- Conduct seven casualty investigations
- Respond to 30 SAR cases
- Save six lives and $833,000 in property
- Permit 24 marine events
Maritime Security
- Conduct 250 Critical Infrastructure and Security Zone patrols
- Inspect 28 commercial containers
- Conduct four commercial vessel security boardings
- Conduct 40 law enforcement boardings
- Issue 25 violations
Maritime Stewardship
- Conduct 10 pollution investigations
- Facilitate the arrival of 7.5 million barrels of oil
- Facilitate 3,300 vessel transits
- Maintain 10 navigation aids
Assets (see map)
- Seven Small Boat Stations
- Four Coastal Patrol Boats
- Two 11th Coast Guard District Air Stations
- One Aids to Navigation (ATON) Team
- One Buoy Tender homeported
Marine Protection (see map)
- Thee National Marine Sanctuaries
- 85+ California Marine Protected Areas
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