Area Information
Bodega Bay, California
The USCGC SOCKEYE is home ported in Bodega Bay, CA is approximately 64 miles north of San Francisco. Bodega Bay is located in Sonoma County, part of the rich wine producing area of northern California. From San Francisco, you can reach Bodega Bay by heading north on Highway 101, or take the more scenic Highway 1 along the coast.
The USCG Training Center Petaluma is located approximately 17 miles from the USCGC SOCKEYE. TRACEN Petaluma is home to several Coast Guard Class “A” Schools, including Food Service Specialist (FS), Yeoman (YN), Storekeeper (SK), Health Services Technician (HS), Operation Specialist (OS), Electronic Technician (ET), and Information System Technician (IT). TRACEN Petaluma is also home to The Chief Petty Officer’s Academy. The training center also contains an exchange, gym, tailor shop.
Nearby cities include Santa Rosa (22 miles), Rohnert Park (24 miles), and Petaluma (26 miles). Los Angeles (425 miles) and San Diego (559 miles) are within a days drive south on Highway 5. Lake Tahoe, a favorite spot in the winter, is approximately 240 miles to the east.
To the south, along Highway 1, you will find Pt. Reyes, and the Pt. Reyes National Park. The area of the Pacific Ocean stretching from Pt. Reyes south to Pt. Bonita, west to the Farallon Islands makes up the Farallon National Marine Sanctuary. To the north, you will find Mendocino County, and the Redwood National Forest. A short drive up Highway 101 will take you to the Avenue of the Giants, home of some of the largest Redwood trees.
The temperatures in Bodega Bay are fairly moderate year round, with average highs in the mid 50’s during the winter to mid 70’s in the summer. The average lows range from mid 30’s in the winter, to mid 50’s in the summer. On the water, there is a fairly decent wind year round that regularly blows in excess on 25-30 mph. The winter months are the rainy months in the area, with an average rainfall of 35” between the months of November and March. In comparison, the average rainfall between April and October is just 6”.