"The Bulldog of the Bering"

A former Navy rescue and salvage ship, ALEX HALEY is uniquely suited for a wide array of missions in “The Final Frontier” of Alaska. As the only major cutter homeported in Alaska, ALEX HALEY’s primarily missions are search and rescue, international/domestic fisheries enforcement, and homeland defense. The crew of ALEX HALEY has operated throughout the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, into the western Pacific and Sea of Japan, and north into the Arctic Circle. Since receiving the cutter from the Navy in 1999, the Coast Guard has made numerous upgrades and enhancements to ensure the cutter’s mission readiness in one of the most demanding operating environments – the Bering Sea. As the largest Medium Endurance Cutter in the Coast Guard’s fleet, ALEX HALEY boasts a very unique engineering plant and stable design that enables it to ride well in heavy seas like those featured on shows such as “Deadliest Catch.”