Captain Robert J. Kinsey
Commanding Officer

CAPT Kinsey is a permanent Cutterman with over 14 years of sea service in eight USCG Cutters including three afloat commands in CGC SAPELO (2007-2009), CGC MOHAWK (2017-2019) and the National Security Cutter CGC KIMBALL (2023-present). He has conducted afloat operations including: search and rescue, alien migration interdiction, homeland security, counter-drug and national defense missions from the Northern reaches of the Bering Sea to South America and the Middle East.
His accomplished shoreside assignments include: Officer-in-Charge of Law Enforcement Detachment 406 at Tactical Law Enforcement Team South in Miami, FL, where he deployed worldwide with United States naval assets conducting counter-drug and counter-terrorism missions. He served as Intelligence Directorate Targeting Chief at Joint Interagency Task Force South in Key West, FL where he provided intelligence products supporting the efficient employment of U.S. and partner nation all domain assets conducting counter illicit trafficking missions spanning a 42 million square mile area of responsibility. As Sector Intelligence Officer at Sector New Orleans in New Orleans, LA, he supervised the creation of the Gulf Coast Joint Intelligence Group, as well as spearheaded the implementation of the nation’s first operation supporting cyber intelligence to Prevention Operators nationwide. As Chief of Cutter Forces for Coast Guard Pacific Area he oversaw the full spectrum of USCG afloat operations spanning the Arctic, Antarctic, Bering Sea, Indo-Pacific, Oceania and Eastern Pacific Theaters. Recently, he served as Chief of the Seventh District’s Response Enforcement Branch and Homeland Security Task Force Southeast’s Operation Vigilant Sentry Operations Section Chief where he led the nation’s whole of government operational response to the largest maritime migration surge in over 20 years and directed all martime response operations during hurricanes Ian, Fiona, Nicole and the response to the devastating 2021 Haiti earthquake.
A native of Logansport, Indiana, CAPT Kinsey graduated from the University of Louisville in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and earned a Masters Degree in Strategic Intelligence from the National Defense Intelligence College in 2010. He earned the title of USCG Intelligence Fellow after completing the 2016 Intelligence Fellowship Cohort that included a 12-month project focused on intelligence support initiatives to improving Cyber security in the maritime transportation system.
He has been awarded the Joint Meritorious Service Medal, multiple Coast Guard Meritorous Service Medals, the Coast Guard Commendation Medal (3), the United States Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, mulitple Coast Guard and United States Navy and Marine Corps Achiement Medals, Military Oustanding Volunteer Service Medal and the Combat Action Ribbon as well as several unit and service awards. CAPT Kinsey’s most prized honor was his nomination and selection as a USCG “Honorary Chief” in 2018.
CAPT Kinsey is happily married to the former Autumn Reed of Muscatine, Iowa and together they have four children.
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