Commanding Officer
Captain Riley O. Gatewood

Mailing Address

Commanding Officer
PO Box 195000
Kodiak, Alaska

Telephone Number

Phone:   907-487-5170

Reporting to CGC Munro

When MUNRO is in port you may contact your sponsor by phone at 907-487-5166. If MUNRO is underway, you can contact MUNRO's Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) Yeoman at Base Kodiak by calling 907-487-5170 ext 128. Your sponsor can answer questions about our sailing schedule. If MUNRO is scheduled to be underway when you report, Base Kodiak will coordinate your travel to the ship.

You should report to MUNRO's homeport of Base Kodiak, Kodiak, AK as stated in your orders. You should contact your sponsor as soon as possible and provide an address and telephone number so we may contact you en route if necessary.

The following medical preparations must be completed prior to PCS transfer:

  • A. All members are required to complete the overseas screening process for themselves and dependents (if applicable) as outlined in COMDTINST M1000.8, Military Assignments and Authorized Absences, Art 1.H.1., to include sea duty and overseas screening physicals. Request completion date when physical is approved.
  • B. Type 2 dental exam within the past six months with defects corrected prior to transfer.
  • C. Up to date shot record with the following immunizations: 
    • 1. Yellow Fever 
    • 2. Hepatitis A and B series 
    • 3. Typhoid (if needed) 
    • 4. Oral Polio (if needed) 
    • 5. Tetanus 
    • 6. Influenza 
    • 7. PPD screen within the past year
  • D. Record of qualitative G6PD test (needed only once per career)
  • E. Record of Sickle Cell test (needed only once per career)
  • F. HIV screening within the past six months
  • G. Two pair of prescription eyewear is required


As of 01 Jan 07, Per ALCOAST 113/07, Active Duty members on PCS orders may transit through Canada with orders and valid military identification. All dependents transiting through Canada must possess an official no fee  passport. Active Duty members who require passports for deployment may obtain them once they arrive at their new unit. Kodiak's passport agent can be reached at 907-487-5170, Ext. 182 with questions or referral to local passport agent at current duty station area.

Alaska Marine Highway System

If you choose to use the ferry system, then reservations should be made as soon as possible. Reservations can be extremely limited, especially from Bellingham, WA through the inside passage. Reservations must be made by and paid through the centrally billed travel account through SATO Travel that provides service to your unit. Members require proof of paid tickets to board and orders must reflect authorization to travel the ferry system. Pets require health and rabies certificate issued not more than 30 days prior to boarding. If traveling through Canada, bring no fee passports for dependents, birth certificates, proof of vehicle liability insurance, proof of sufficient funds to handle emergencies and rabies vaccination certificates for pets.

Driving through Canada

Anyone with a criminal record including misdemeanors or minor offenses such as (but not limited to): shoplifting, theft, assault, dangerous/reckless driving, unauthorized possession of a firearm and driving while intoxicated/impaired may be barred from entering Canada as members of an Inadmissible Class. More information is available on the Canadian Border Patrol Link: . Personnel and accompanying dependents who meet the criteria for Inadmissible Class and barred from entering Canada are strongly encouraged to perform airline travel to Kodiak or AMHS Ferry travel from Bellingham, WA.


Members with dependent(s): Coast Guard government-owned family housing is available for enlisted in Upper and Lower Government Hill, Aviation Hill and Lake Louise areas. For Officers, housing is available in Lower Government Hill and Lake Louise areas. Housing is assigned on a first come, first serve basis. A release from mandatory housing is required from the Base Kodiak Housing Officer prior to receiving BAH. Members are placed on the Housing list automatically according to their arrival date. Contact the Kodiak Housing Office at (800) 563-4252 ext 144.

All personnel E4 and below (without dependents) will be assigned to Base Kodiak barracks. Members must contact the Base Kodiak Housing Office at (800) 563-4252 upon receipt of Welcome Aboard message and provide their name and telephone number. If there is no room in the barracks, members may request authorization from unit and release from mandatory housing is required from the Base Kodiak Housing Officer prior to receiving BAH. Members must contact their sponsor for more details.

All personnel E5 and above (without dependents) will normally be authorized BAH and released on the economy. Authorization from unit and release from mandatory housing is required from the Base Kodiak Housing Officer prior to receiving BAH.

Relocation Assistance Manager

In Kodiak, the Relocations Assistance Manager is available at (907) 487-5525 ext 275 or (800) 872-4957 ext 563/275. Relocation packages are only mailed upon request by either phone or email listed above.


If you are married, the Munro Ombudsman, Mrs. Catherine Rauh, is available and willing to answer a wide range of questions. Contact her at (907) 512-2950 or email her at .

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.