Base Seattle




Commander Adam J DisqueAdam J Disque - Official Photo

Commander Disque is CGC Active’s Commanding Officer and recently reported from Coast Guard Headquarters where he was assigned to the Office of Budget and Programs as a program reviewer.  He was responsible for managing and evaluating policy, external communication, and resources initiatives for the offices of Cutter Forces, Aviation Forces, Requirements and Analysis, and Research and Development. 

Commander Disque enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve following high school and served as a medic while completing undergraduate study. He then enlisted in the Coast Guard and served at a Boat Station until he was accepted to Officer Candidate School. He holds degrees in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Plattsburgh State University, and a master’s degree in Marine Policy from the University of Delaware.

Prior to reporting to Coast Guard Headquarters, he was the Executive Officer onboard CGC Forward in Portsmouth, VA where he was second in command, responsible for the Cutter’s overall readiness to complete all assigned missions. He has served on three other cutters including Commanding Officer of CGC Long Island homeported in Valdez, AK, Operations Officer onboard CGC Vigorous, homeported in Cape May, NJ and as a Deck Watch Officer on CGC Vigilant homeported in Cape Canaveral, FL.

Commander Disque was also the Officer in Charge of a Tactical Law Enforcement Team in Miami, FL. He was responsible for the operations, readiness, and logistics for a deployable specialized law enforcement team conducting counter-drug and special operations around the globe.

Commander Disque completed a staff assignment in Honolulu, Hawaii as the USCG Fourteenth District’s Living Marine Resource Officer.  He oversaw international and domestic enforcement operations and fisheries management throughout the Hawaiian Islands and the Central Pacific.

His personal awards include a U.S. Coast Guard Meritorious Service Medal, five Commendation Medals, an Achievement Medal, a Letter of Commendation and the U.S. Army Achievement Medal.

Commander Disque is from Niskayuna, New York and is married to his wife Angela.  Together, they are blessed to have three children, Cooper (14), Mariah (12), and Robyn (7).