USCGC Harriet Lane Seal




Commanding Officer
CDR Nicole M. Tesoniero

CDR Nicole M. Tesoniero  photo

Bio  Portrait

Executive Officer
LCDR Josh Kitenko

LCDR Josh Kitenko




The Core Values are our bedrock - live them – Honor, Respect, & Devotion to Duty.

Whatever one's ancestry or lot in life, we are all equal here. Every member of this crew volunteered to serve and earned the right to be called Shipmate. We will not tolerate disrespect or harassment. Be a person of character and never compromise your character. Have the intestinal fortitude and courage to do the right thing- retain the high ground. Protect what you have earned by thinking about your actions and consequences. Do nothing to embarrass yourself, your family, our unit, or our nation. If someone is not upholding this standard, have the moral courage to be a leader and hold them accountable. I'll back you up. Our Core Values know no boundaries - inside and outside the lifelines; on and off-duty; in and out of uniform.

Communication Leads to Community

In excellent units there is a sharing of responsibility, with authority placed at the appropriate decision-making level. This cannot happen without clear and open communication channels. Communications have a huge impact on morale and effectiveness - the crew must know what is going on, what is expected of them, and how their efforts relate to the unit's mission. Communications cannot just flow down the chain of command; they need to flow up and be heard. Good ideas do not exclusively emanate from the cabin, the wardroom, or the CPO mess; most good ideas are at the deck plate level. If you have an idea, let it be heard. Know how to effectively communicate up, down, and across the chain of command. Be authentic and transparent in your communications - this will foster a sense of community inside and outside Harriet Lane's lifelines.

Take Ownership & Maintain the Pursuit

This is not my ship; this is our ship - we each have a role to play and designated duties that make us a cohesive unit. Each person's duty is important and contributes to our collective success. Take ownership of your piece of the rock, have pride in it, and make it as strong as you can. Fix the problem, not the blame - see what needs to be done and do it. Do it not because you were told to, but because you know it must be done. Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. Look at this fantastic ship each day as someone coming aboard for the first time sees her. A clean ship has a direct and positive impact on mission effectiveness, safety, and morale. As a crew, we must be brilliant in the basics. We cannot rest on our laurels - there is always more to learn, new goals to pursue. We must continually challenge each other to learn more, master our craft, and seek more responsibility - be it personal or professional. We must maintain the pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves.

Lead by Example

Every Harriet Lane crew member is a role model for someone - know that there is always someone looking up to you. When you lead by example, you become the example. Get to know your shipmates as people - look out for them and be ready to speak up or speak out on behalf of them. We are in this as a team, and no one will stand alone. Take your work seriously, but not yourself - enjoy the experiences in your life, the people around you, and your family. Life at sea is an adventure - even if the task at hand isn't fun, make the best of it. Cuttermen can find something humorous even when things are bleak - encourage this, it will make for a better sea story!

As a leader, if it's hard or sucks, be there ... if it's tough or dangerous, go first ... eat last.


Nicole M. Tesoniero, CDR                   William R. King, EMC

Commanding Officer                           Command Chief

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