Waterways Management Branch

"Helping to manage federal waterways and ensure the safety of the boating public in the Indo-Pacific Region!"

Jackson Federal Building Inclement Weather Hotline (800) 982-8813 x7015

Bar Conditions For Oregon and Washington

National Response Center (800) 424-8802.

Regional Exam Center (888) 427-5662

National Documentation Center (800) 799-8362

Navigation Center (703) 313-5900


Report marine emergencies to the nearest Coast Guard Sector office!

- Astoria (503) 861-6212

- North Bend (541) 756-9212

- Seattle (206) 217-6002


13th Coast Guard District Local Notice to Mariners


United States Coast Guard Navigation Center Marine Safety Information


The 14th Coast Guard District, Waterways Management Branch is responsible for the following:
 - Coast Guard maintained short-range marine Aids to Navigation (ATON). 
 - The permitting of Private Aids to Navigation (PATON).
 - Coast Guard Aids to Navigation (ATON). 
 - The weekly publishing of the Local Notice to Mariners (LNM). 
 - The permitting of Bridges. 
 - Conducting Waterways Analysis Management System (WAMS) studies of waterways in the district. 
 - The operation of Lighthouses.

  •   Planning a boat trip? Wondering if anything has changed in a waterway?  Looking for navigation safety information?

Click here to obtain safety information for Oregon, Washington Idaho and Montana found in the "13th Coast Guard District Local Notice to Mariners".  

  • Code of Federal Regulations Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters Part 165.1325 Regulated Navigation Areas; Bars Along the Coasts of Oregon and Washington

 - For information on bar restrictions, closures, requirements for lifejacket use. Click here

 - To obtain a copy of the 13th Coast Guard District - Special Notice to Mariners with a "Guide to Hazardous Bars" on the Oregon and Washington Coast.  Click here 

 - For "Bar Camera Images and Latest Observations". Click here

 - The following "Bar Crossing Handouts" are available: Chetco River Rogue River Couquille River Coos Bay Umpqua River Siuslaw River Yaquina Bay Depoe Bay Tillamook Bay Columbia River Grays Harbor Quillayute River

  • The Waterways Analysis and Management System (WAMS) Survey's for Tillamook, Willapa and Yaquina Bays have been completed.   Click here to read the final report. 
  • The Waterways Analysis and Management System (WAMS) Survey for Columbia River Entrance is available.  Click here to take the survey. 

  • Are you holding a marine event in Hawaii?  Click here to see what you need to do. 

  • Need to report a "Delay of Drawbridge Opening".  Click here for the form to submit.

  • Are you planning an Offshore Renewable Energy Installation (OREI) project.  Click here for information regarding Coast Guard requirements. 

  • Are you interested in AIS (Automatic Identification System) as an Aid to Navigation?  Click here for more information.  

  • Are you interested in the "FUTURE OF NAVIGATION - 21st Century Waterways"?  Click here for more information. 

  • Do you know what "Protection and Security Zones" are?  Click here for more information. 

  • For a list of waterways within the 13th Coast Guard District that are considered navigable for the purposes of exercising Coast Guard authority and jurisdiction contact the Waterways Management Branch. 

Waterways Management Branch Staff

Branch Chief  (206) 220-7273
Assistant Branch Chief (206) 220-7274
Bridge Administrator (206) 220-7282
- Bridge Specialist  (206) 220-7234
- Bridge Environmental Specialist (206) 220-7277
Operations Officer  (206) 220-7278
- Notice to Mariners [Broadcast and Local]  (206) 220-7280
- I-ATONIS Manager [Federal ATON] (206) 220-7276
Planning Officer [WAMS, Lighthouse Coordinator]  (206) 220-7283
- Projects Manager [Federal ATON] (206) 220-7276
- PATON and Federal ATON Damage Claims Manager (206) 220-7285
Training Team Chief  (206) 220-7271
- Training Team Assistant  (206) 220-7279
ATON Maintenance Facility Manager (Tongue Point) (503) 325-2378

14th Coast Guard District ATON Units


Mailing and E-mail Address

Commander (dpw)
14th Coast Guard District
300 Ala Moana Blvd, 9th Floor
Honolulu, HI. 96850-4982
Email: D14-DG-PJ-dpw@uscg.mil

  Report all discrepancies with marine aids to navigation to the nearest Coast Guard Sector office!